Thursday, March 11, 2010

Applications are now closed! We have reached 75 vendors, and I have backup applications incase any vendors drop out. WOOHOO, so now all the hardwork begins of getting out the hunt objects. Thank you all for joining, and when the time comes for the hunt, the fun shall begin! YAY

Thursday, March 4, 2010

As of last night, we had just over 60 vendors for the April Showers hunt. So not much longer before I shut down applications! WOOHOO We have some great vendors for this hunt, I am so excited. Also, keep your eye out here for more updates about the hunt!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spots are Filling up!

I have over 50 vendors now, so spots are filling up fast. This is going to be a great hunt. So about 20 more vendors or so and I will be closing applications and starting the process of getting out the hunt objects and such! WOOHOO!