Saturday, February 6, 2010

April Showers Hunt

So it is getting into the year and I decided to organize a spring time hunt. Its called April Showers. And you all know the saying for that, April Showers brings May Flowers. Well thats my intentions. :-) This hunt is open to anyone, and for anything execpt reseller vendors, Business in a box and things along those lines. Origional Creators only please! Please copy this application and put it in a notecard and send it to me in world to become part of the hunt. I will be accepting aprox 75 vendors to start with. So get on the list quick! :-)
Accepting Applications until March 20th. Hunt begins April 1st and goes until May 1st.

Store Owners Name:

Store Name:

Second Contact(if any):



Shop Type (what do you sell):

Please rename application AprilShowers (Your Name) (Store Name)

Return the complete application to the drop box at ~A.D.~ Designs Main Store.